No one takes care of your property like we do.
We protect your investment and try our best to make sure that it is properly maintained. The Physical Management of your property will include, but not be limited to contracting to services, maintenance of buildings, and inspection of property.
Contracting for Services
This portion of our physical management includes; hiring, paying, supervising, and discharging all employees and independent contractors that may be required for the proper maintenance and operation of the associations.
Maintenance of Buildings
In this capacity we direct and supervise all things requested by the board, which are necessary for the proper maintenance of the property.
Inspection of Property
We believe that the periodic inspection of your property goes a long way in keeping costs down by identifying issues before they become a problem. We do this by actually going to your property with an inspection checklist. These inspections can be weekly, bi-weekly, or monthly; customized to your needs.
We understand that associations can enforce their rules under different mechanisms. At the discretion of the board, property infractions can either be brought to the board or unit owner directly. The property inspection reports can be emailed to the board after each visitation or presented at board meetings. Just another way we customize our services to your needs.