Tierra Verde Property Management offers a comprehensive and self-contained Financial Statement.
The information that we provide will assist the Board of Directors with a better understanding of the financial conditions of the Association. TVPM discharges it duties by the provision of a monthly financial reporting package as well as an annual financial reporting package.
On a monthly basis, the community association generally receives the following reports:- Balance Sheet – Financial information listed on the balance sheet shows all assets and liabilities. Items included would be available cash, reserve funds, CD’s and loans.
- Income Statement – Displays all income and expenses for the current period and year to date. This report also gives the comparison of the budget to actual expenses incurred.
- Accounts Receivable Pre-paid Status – This report lists all of the unit owners that have paid their maintenance fees in advance.
- Delinquency Report – Displays all delinquent unit owners and the amount due.
- Disbursement Report – Lists all monies distributed for the reporting period.
- General Ledger – The General Ledger details all of the financial activity for a given time period.
On an annual basis TVPM will provide the following:- Annual Budget – Prepare and submit to the Board an annual operating budget setting forth income and expenses. Click here for sample budget.
- Tax Returns – We will facilitate the preparation of the Association’s annual tax returns.
- Annual Financial Reporting – Prepare and distribute, at the end of each calendar year, an annual financial report to each unit owner.
- Audited or Reviewed Financial Statements – When required by Florida statute, TVPM will facilitate the provision of Audited or Reviewed Financials Statements.